Vedic astrology
Natal Chart Reading $75
Couples Reading $175
Annual Influences $45
Chart Rectification $200 (if birth time unknown)
Astrology Workshops @ Patch of Diamonds (TBA)
Readings can be in person, by phone or Zoom video. A recording can also be emailed as an mp3.
Workshops @ Patch of Diamonds (TBA) (half day, offered in summer and autumn)
Energy Clearing for Home or Work Space $50 (includes training so that you can keep the space clear)
Flying Stars feng Shui
One bedroom home/apartment $75
Each additional bedroom $50
Floor plan (if unable to provide one) $50
Places of Business- depends on size
Annual update (cures specific to the year) $45
Consultations include:
Dowsing of the property & adjusting ley lines if needed
9 palace star chart with elemental cures
Color, design & furniture placement for income & health
Sleeping recommendations (rooms & direction of beds)
healing toolkit series
Workshops @ Patch of Diamonds (TBA) (half day, offered in summer and autumn)
Learn how to muscle test yourself and others for food sensitivities, allergens, herbal remedies, vitamins and more.
See Workshops for more info.
A 15 minute free phone consultation is available for those who have questions.
Please contact Grace to schedule.